Monday, August 28, 2006

Things to do....

...when you have an exam on the next morning and just one night to slog through the syllabus:

1) Go to the library. Take a paper and pen and make a list of all the books you want to read. Don't leave out any section... fiction(English, Hindi, etc.), politics, philosophy, history...

2) Organise all the music on your computer. Dont forget to provide shortcuts to songs which fall in two categories(there should be a shortcut for 'Comfortably Numb' -- residing in 'Pink Floyd' folder -- in the 'Best guitar solos ever' folder).

3) Pick your favourite TV serial(pick Coupling if you don't have a favourite). Watch at least one season.

4) Assume that the food in the mess is simply inedible. Then walk leisurely to Indra Nagar for food and come back at an even more leisurely pace.

5) Log on to orkut. Count your fans(Do drop a comment if you have more than 52). Then count your fans/friends ratio. Then count how many people you are a fan of.

6) Surf Wikipedia reading articles about all the weirdest things in the world.

7) Download music, movies and stuff from the LAN. Surf through filelists of all users. Don't forget to consume all the downloaded stuff.

8) Reply to every single mail in your inbox telling friends and family how burdened you are with studies and exams.

9) Gather other jobless souls like yourself in the corridor and bc about the futility of exams and studies.

10) Blog.

Do comment if you have more innovative ideas. I'm falling short of things to do.


The optimist from utopia said...

I have comfortably numb on my desktop! :D

You've pretty much covered everything.. You could have added bloghopping..

Anyways, gg :D nice post.

Badrinath S. said...

(following apply in my case)

11. Remote desktop to your lab pc every 5 minutes, hoping to get a slot on megaupload to finally download that album of Kamelot.

12. Watch pr0n. The exams are about the only time i think of watching those.

13. Watch any movie/tv series new to DC. anything. anything at all. even something as stupid as "shakuga na shana".

14. try to outdo yourself in how many tabs you can open at once. and then spend an hour reading through those (reached ~ 120 once on three firefox windows. try it, it works :D)

15. surf through the official football sites of all the teams playing in the EPL. and the Championship too, if you are super-bored.

16. decide that it FINALLY is time to clean your room, and proceed to do so. ("clean" being a purely relative term)

17. visit random blogs of people who you dont know and type weird comments. then bookmark those blogs and wait for a reply. trust me, its great fun. people dont like to be flamed :P

18. walk from one wing to the next in the hope of finding someone to explain something to you. walk around until your pride kicks in and you decide to try give it another shot yourself before you ask some1 else. yet again.

19. queue up ~ 2 GB of power metal on winamp and headbang to it, as best as you can, while keeping your eyes firmly fixed on the book.

Anonymous said...

I bet sicca is lying
anyways when do I give back your book ?
ur room no. plssss

Anonymous said...

sica is peluuuuuuuuuuuuu . He always want to do smthin peluuuu.

mythalez said...

sleep !! .. thats wat i do most of hte time before every exam
'used to do' .. dont know when i ll be required to write an exam again :(

Sankalp said...

for everybody's information, the anon is much peluuer than me. he's just trying to pull my leg.

@nks said...

ghanta !!!