Monday, July 21, 2008

The < insert expletive here > weekend

Ever heard of the abbreviation klpd? No? You could read the urbandictionary link or better, read this post to fully understand its meaning.

I have long tried to follow the policy of using as few expletives as possible on the blog. But I have to write about the weekend just gone by, I would end up filling the whole page up with the choicest words in my vocabulary. But still, let me try.

It started on Saturday morning. We had booked tickets for the morning show of "The Dark Knight". We got up at bloody 7:30am on a Saturday and hopped through buses, trains, autos to reach Imax only to find that they had cancelled the show fearing some f***ing bandh! The whole city was absolutely normal. Every damn shop was open. There was no bandh. But anyway, we came back laughing at our bad luck.

I didn't think much about it. Just a bad day, I thought and brushed it aside. I should have known better.

I had been looking forward to the rock walk on Sunday for a long time. I managed to persuade Apoc to come along. So, after a horrible one hour in a hopelesly crowded bus, we reached the starting point for the walk about 20 minutes late to find absolutely no one there. People had already left. We had missed it. So we roamed around and wasted some more time and came back empty handed.

So that was the story of one great weekend. This whole working life has made weekends too important. There's too much pressure to go out and do something, too many expectations. And when nothing happens according to the plan, I have all the right to be frustoo like I am right now.

Now that I have let it all out, I feel better. I can work now.


Anonymous said...

bandh!! yeah, that was a major wtf moment. sometimes, things like this force me think it's a funken village out there near IMAX.

P.S: klpd ---> ROFL, i would rate it as the best neologism of the summer.

Anonymous said...

"The most < insert boring here > post"

Siddharth Chaudhari said...

MS screwing your over so much kya?

Post please!