Monday, September 12, 2005

If Mathematics is a language.....then I'm bloody illiterate

"Maths is a language,the subject is not just about knowing the equations,what we should really strive for is the deeper understanding".Understanding?My a**.I can't even make sense of the signs that are scattered all over the blackboard.

In the past one year,I have grown pretty much used to not paying attention in the class and consequently not knowing a damn about my subjects.But it was probably for the first time that I found myself in a situation where I felt that the teacher is teaching well,that I am paying attention,and in spite of all this I could not make head and tail of the f***ing subject called Signals and Systems.At the end of the class all I could do was to laugh at myself and my pathetic condition with regards to this subject.

But the only heartening fact was that quite a few of the people sitting around me were carrying similar expressions on their face.Maybe I should start slogging.It is not for the first time that I have felt the need.But I guess I should follow this advice:

Whenever you feel like working ,
Wait and relax .. until that feeling goes away .


Arjun said...

They think they can change the 'fire' of the topic by changing its name. That's where they miss it. Be it
1. Calculus
2. Matrices
3. Linear Algebra
4. S&S
5. Numerical Analysis
6. Whatever...

Math still sucks!

Badrinath S. said...

haha, ECE >> CSE, we can sleep properly, even in a class of 35!! too bad the prof stopped saying bis3xual.

ok, so gimme 1 guy who pays attention apart from OA-troll and ideal_d00d. i said "guy", remember...


PS : i_DOESNT_like SnS too :`(