Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why does the geyser take so long?

Yes, you are here. And you will read this right till the end because somewhere in this post I'm going to mention Bipasha Basu.

Creedence Clearwater Revival

I'm hooked to this band. Don't know what the hell that name means. These days my playlist oscillates between CCR and Pearl Jam. The latter's lyrics are particularly frustoo, but the songs are good. Don't ask why. This is not the English literature class. So I'm not going to explain WHY I like something.

2 working days

I wisely took courses such that all my classes fall on 2 days of the week. So now I have this huge Sunday which lasts 5 days and 2 Mondays which are more annoying than they have ever been.

That gives me a lot of time to work on my BTP. The BTP! There is no light at the end of this tunnel. In fact, there's no end at all. It is like a dark circular tunnel and I've been running rounds.


Everybody in the wing has started playing. So have I. And I suck at it. I'm the biggest danger to my teammates, the master tk-er. I suck so badly that I play by the name jhand_khiladi. But I can't give up.


I finished watching all of Seinfeld that is there on the LAN. (Someone please download Part 2 of the finale and the missing episodes of the 4th season.) I totally loved the show. Especially all the hot girlfriends Jerry gets. I hate Elaine. Actually, in the beginning, she was my favourite character. But later she got too annoying. And Geroge is so un-cool! But I like that character too. Or should I say, identify with him? We do have things in common.

If you haven't seen it yet, giddy up!

Well, that's it. You came here for Bipasha Basu? Sorry, you have been taken for a ride.


Siddharth Chaudhari said...

the bipasha bit got me! innovative :)

whats CZ? Sorry, I work on graphics chipsets, but Intel ones suck so bad, we dont even think aboout gamers :p

@nks said...

u were supposed to be dead ... !!

come on .. go back 2 ur grave .. !!

Anonymous said...

I totally saw that coming. Thats why I just ctrl+F'd it and found out your truth. Jackass.

Sankalp said...

@sidkc: cz? counter strike- condition zero? hawww! naam bhi nahi suna?

@lord: no, i'm here. and i'm not going back.

@all the pretty girls reading this: my friend neon here, is the smartest guy around. he knows how to use ctrl+f.

@neon: too un-subtle.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@ neon: Tried calling... the number doesn't work!!